Congressman Boyle on the new Democratic Majority

With Democrats Retaking the House, What’s Next?

Philadelphia Tribune:

Other Philly-area House Members, like Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA), seem to concur somewhat. “The American people put their trust in House Democrats to do three things: bring down health care costs, level the playing field for working people, and end the culture of corruption ushered into Washington by Trump Republicans.”

Democrats Have a Majority and Wave of New Members from PA and NJ. What Will They Do With It?

Philadelphia Inquirer:

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle of Philadelphia suggested that the [Infrastructure plan] could be part of a compromise, noting that Trump previously voiced support for the idea. “Hopefully now that we’ve won back the House and we don’t have [Speaker] Paul Ryan in the way of blocking that, that’s something we can achieve,” Boyle said.